Company Profile & Governing Board


Swiss Approval International is an Engineering background Company, with innovative approach in the Certification business, and use of advanced technologies and specific know-how, in different inspection and certification areas.

Company Facts

The Company is already present in 19 Countries in 3 Continents, and principally active in South – East Europe, Middle East & Gulf Countries, Korea, as well as in the US and Mexico. The Development plan 2023 – 2030, includes the continent of Africa.

Our parallel target for the incoming years, is the continuous expansion of Swiss Approval International in Asia and Americas, as well as, its establishment in new emerging Countries.

With more than 350 professional Engineers as full time Employees, our company’s strategic goal and central focus is to establish solid partnerships and entrusted corporate relationships, the framework of which will be a continuous added value interaction resulting to benefits in the customer’s outcome.

This added value of Swiss Approval International services is based on both, acquisition of internationally recognized and highly trusted certificates, as well as on our investment in technology transfer, properly designed to ensure the continuous improvement of quality and services process, always responding to the customer’ s demands.

The cooperation framework and interaction with our customers, is gradually expanding into new areas and fields, since the unified Quality and Safety pathways become even more important for both parties.

The outcome of almost 25 continuous years of our activity, since 1999, is that over 4500 large – medium scale and small companies rely on us, and more than 25000 valid certificates are in place currently.

Company Management Structure

SWISS APPROVAL INTERNATIONAL INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION BODY, is an accredited Company which operates Internationally in the fields of Industrial Inspection and Certification.

The SWISS APPROVAL INTERNATIONAL Inspection and Certification Body has 3 levels of Management:

  • The Institutional Board, which is acting on behalf of the Company as legal representatives, under the Confederation Helvetian Laws and Financial Institutions.
  • The Governing Board, which is acting on behalf of the Company on the Operations and Processes, the Development of New Markets, the Technical Competence of inspection and Audits, as well as the overall monitoring on operational, structural and technical level, regarding the International Market.
  • The Accreditation Board is acting on behalf of the Company, ensuring the Impartiality, Transparency and Non Conflict of Interest between stakeholders. It consists mainly of Market Representatives, Academic Society Representatives, Consumers Associations, etc.. Accreditation Board Composition varies depending on the type of accreditation, which is called to support, by its specialization and knowledge.
Management systems certification – ISO 17021 Accredited
  • ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO 22000, ISO 27000 & 27701, ISO 50001, ISO 45001, ISO 37001, ISO 13485, ISO 41001, ISO 39001, ISO 22301, etc..

Product safety, ISO 17025 Accreditation (under process)
  • CE Marking
  • Testing & Laboratory Services
  • Advanced NDT laboratory

Personnel Certification – ISO 17024 Accredited
  • QA/QC Management Personnel Certification
  • Certification of Welding Related Personnel
  • Lead Auditors ISO 9001 /22001 /14001 /45001 /27001

Services & Processes Conformity Assessment – ISO 17065 Accreditation
    • Construction Products
    • Cement /Cement Distribution Centers
    • «B&W Cert» evaluation and certification for Hospitality Services towards guests safety (under process)
    • Classification of Hotels in Stars, against quality of services requirements’ sets (under process)

Third Party Inspection, Monitoring and Approval – ISO 17020 accredited
  • Field and Shop inspection,
  • Mill Inspection
  • Pipe Lines under construction inspection and certification
  • Welding Inspection,
  • Lifts and Lifting machinery Inspection,
  • Goods and Cargo inspection,
  • Protection and Prevention in working environments,
  • Construction activities quality control,
  • EQ-FAST inspection and classification of buildings (under process),
  • CIVIL CONSTRUCTIONS assessment of static analysis,
  • Appraisals and Life cycle estimation for machinery and parts,
  • Recognized Agency as an Approved Inspection Body, type (A) in the fields:
    • Periodic inspection of pressure vessels over 450 liters and containers LPG, GG 14165/F. 17.4/373, 673/B/1993, GG 447/B/1993.
    • Initial inspection (Type AA) and periodic inspection of lifting equipment (Type A and Type B) GG 15085/593 (GG 1186/25.08.2003).
    • Initial and periodic monitoring boiler Gov. 2656/B/2012.
    • Initial and periodic testing for Metal construction, pipe-piping welds, welding (ASME codes, EN- DIN- API standards).

Notification Body Services (NoBo) – European Directives recognised Body Number 2221 – ISO 17020 & 17065 Accredited
  • Lifts European Directive
  • Pressure Equipment Directive [PED]
  • Simple Pressure Vessels European Directive
  • Machinery Directive
  • Construction Products Directive

PAOLO ROSSI, Board of Directors Chairman

Chairman and Executive Director of Swiss Approval International, based in Switzerland, since 2015.
Business Manager, holding a bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of Milan / Italy.
He has been qualified through a numerous of Post Graduation courses, in the energy and business fields, at the London Business School.

Significant and extensive experience in business management and in the definition and implementation of market strategies, particularly in the energy field, for the last 20 years, as Business Executive Director, managing and supporting companies, in the energy sector, to shape their business models and achieve their business targets.
Until the end of 2021, Mr. Rossi lead the strategic direction and development of the Swiss Utility AEM SA, in the new era of energy revolution and grid intelligence, ensuring the smooth business operation in every aspect.

As Chairman of the Board and Executive Director, Mr. Paolo Rossi has the overall responsibility of Swiss Approval International, regarding Inspection and Certification Services Continuity, Integrity and Independency / Impartiality.


Mr. TAHAN NADER – Inspection Technology Solutions Managing Director

Material science Engineer, holding PhD in “Material science engineering, advanced materials”.

With consistence engagement in the International market, to Nissan in Japan, Henkel, Hemmelrath, Kluthe from Germany, Renault CAFV in France, Bostik from UK as well as US experience in construction sector, Nader Tahan has achieved a high level of technical and management background.

Also Engaged, in the Iranian Research Organization for Science &Technology (I.R.O.S.T.) in various positions, such as Technical expert, Head of the laboratory for metals testing and analyzing, Head of the materials department and Head of metals testing and Metallographic laboratory.  

Strategic and Planning Chief Officer as well as Research and Development Manager, in the Iranian Standard and Quality Inspection Company (ISQI).

ANB Chief Executive Manager in the Iranian Welding Research and Engineering Institute, under the authority of the International Institute of Welding (IIW).

Since 2001 as Lecturer in the Mechanical and Material Science Engineering faculties of the Islamic Azad University, Dezful, Iran having authored significant technical publications in his field of expertise.

As Managing member of the SWISS APPROVAL INTERNATIONAL, Tahan Nader has the overall responsibility for innovative Inspection Technology Solutions, with emphasis on the Non Destructive Techniques processes and methods for metallic constructions.


Mr. TZAFERIS MELETIOS – Business Development Managing Director

Mechanical Engineering by Rome University (Italy) and MSc in Quality Management by Cranfield University (UK).

Since 1990  exercised duties as CEO in the Hellenic Association for Quality and subsequently in TUV Rheinland Hellas SA.

For the period 2004 – 2009, member of the Greek Government as General Secretary of the State, in the Ministries of Health & Social Solidarity, Ministry of Development and Ministry of Tourism Development.

Moreover, he has worked internationally in the private sector, as a specialized professional in the Industrial Inspections sector, while officiates as Executive Secretary of the ANB Greek Welding Institute, member of International Institute of Welding (IIW) and European Welding Federation (EWF), representing Greece in the General Assemblies of IIW and EWF as well.

Tzaferis Meletios as Managing member of the SWISS APPROVAL INTERNATIONAL Governing Board has the overall Group responsibility for business development and New Branches setup, for Europe, Americas, Asia and Africa.
