Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU

Initial and recurrent Inspections of Pressure Equipment are applied to steam boilers and pressure vessels, in accordance with EU NEW Directive 2014/68/EU and National Legislation [OLD 97/23/EC].

Since 2004 our specialized personnel inspects thousands of Kilometers of major Gas Networks of medium and high pressure construction Projects, as well as natural gas projects in low pressure. Our main concern and responsibility is the smooth and safe construction of the project, in accordance to the applicable national and international standards in the PED framework.

Swiss Approval personnel is also accredited by ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), as an authorized inspection agency (AIA), to support the enterprises in the certification of boilers and pressure vessels according to statutory ASME codes and standards.

We offer inspection services for manufacturing, repair and conversion, shop and / or field, worldwide. ASME Standards are used, recognized and accepted by more than 113 countries, making the certification highly important to the international market.


Field of Inspection   Type of Inspection    

 Normative Regulations / Standrads /In house procedure

 Directive 2014/68/EU


Pressure equipment


Directive 2014/68/EU

M.D. 74124/1431 (G.G. 2278/B/2016)




Internal production control plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals


Annex  III, point 2, Module A2


EU-Type examination – production type


Annex  III, point 3.1, Module B

EU-Type examination –

design type


Annex  III,point 3.2, Module B


Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals


Annex  III, point 4, Module C2


Conformity to type based on pressure equipment verification


Annex  III, point 9, Module F


Conformity based on unit verification


Annex  III, point 10, Module G


Permanent joining for pressure equipment


Approval of permanent joining procedures


Annex  I, 3.1.2


Approval of permanent joining



Annex  I, 3.1.2

1.2 Vessels under pressure exposed to flame or other incoming heating which create danger for overheating.

1.Shell boilers


EN 12953-1 to 13


2.Water-tube boilers


EN 12952-1 to 13


1.1.2 and 1.1.3 Metallic vessels not exposed to flame  which contain  liquids or gases or liquefied gases or solved gases


1.1.4 Plastics Vessels


EN 13445-1 to 6


1. Unfired pressure vessels




1.3.1 and 1.3.2 Industrial metallic piping which contain  liquids or gases or liquefied gases or solved gases


1.3.3 Plastics Pipes


1.Industrial Metallic piping




-EN13480-1 to 5

-ASME B31.1*,ASME B31.3*,

ASME B31.4*, ASME B31.8*