Our organization conducts Independent Third Party Inspections (TPI) of all types of Constructions, regardless the project’s size, in specific:
- Projects Validation & Verification
- Civil Works
- Electomechanical works
of every public or private investor, under the Owner’s or Contractor assignment.
Swiss Approval has the ability to monitor projects, such as large -scale construction projects, road construction, bridges, railways and other transport infrastructures, energy projects, electromechanical projects, etc., in terms of constructional quality, being a recognized Body for Quality Control and Assessment.
Our involvement as a qualified independent Third Party Inspection Body, guarantees the smooth, safe and high-quality completion of the project at hand.
The scope of «Independent TPI» service, is:
- To check the proper implementation of design (architectural, electromechanical, statical, etc.),
- To inspect the compliance with the technical requirements and specifications in each phase of the project during construction.
- To ensure that work procedures are in compliance with the existing European and National Technical Legislation and to record every stage of the project.
- Record the actual constructed part of the project in accordance with the approved design, the contract and the project schedule.
Inspection Services:
- DEVELOPMENT OF THE INSPECTION & TEST PLAN (ITP), in accordance with the contractual requirements of the project such as Owner Specifications, National & International Standards, etc..
- REVIEW & APPROVAL of the Project Quality Plan.
- VERIFICATION & VALIDATION of the project calculations and documents
- AUDIT SURVEY for Review and Approval of contractor’s project ORGANIZATION CHART, Organizational Structure Assessment, towards effectiveness and efficiency.
- REVIEW of site Health and Safety Plan.
- INSPECTION AND QUALITY CONTROL of Materials, Equipment and Structures (e.g. Prefabricated elements, Electromechanical equipment) to be incorporated into the construction site:
- Review of Material Submittals in compliance with design requirements and contract agreement.
- Review of Certificates (compliance with the existing National and European Legislation, CE markings etc.)
- Quality control on receiving materials for identification/dimension (Detailed measurements) and acceptance.
- Documentation REVIEW of all the above.
- AUDIT & INSPECTION ON SUBCONTRACTOR’s FACILITIES. Quality Audits and Inspections at the premises of suppliers and subcontractors (concrete factories, laboratories, manufacturers, etc.).
- REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF SUBCONTRACTOR’s Method Statements, regarding Quality requirements.
- WITNESS IN LABORATORY TESTING Facilities, evaluation of the results of Laboratory Tests/ comparison with acceptance criteria based on regulations and specifications.
- CALIBRATION Certificates and Documents Review.
- ON-SITE / FIELD INSPECTION, During CONSTRUCTION WORKS according to the specific ITP (Inspection & Test Plan) of the project. Indicative:
- Visual inspection of the execution of all the construction phases
- Monitoring the accurate implementation of the design in accordance with the technical procedures and methodologies during the works.
- Monitoring that sampling of materials is in accordance with the Project Testing Plan.
- Review and Interpretation of testing results.
- Witness on «Hold Point» inspections activities.
- Thermography Inspection activities.
- Testing of electrical panels with appropriate equipment.
- Testing of trend of Bolts, on metal structures.
- Inspection and Certification of paints
- Vibration control – vibration monitoring for Electromechanical equipment.
- Inspection and Certification of Welding metal structures
- WITNESS during REPAIRS of defects and deviations from the specifications.
- OPERATIONAL CONTROLS AND COMMISSIONING. Document Review and Monitoring of Final & Operational tests. Monitoring and supervising the implementation of the Commissioning plan of the project.
- COMPLIANCE with specifications documentation activities.
- FINAL REPORTS. Issuance of Certificate of Acceptance assuring the compliance with the specifications.