Independent TPI in Construction Industry

Our organization conducts Independent Third Party Inspections (TPI) of all types of Constructions, regardless the project’s size, in specific:

  • Projects Validation & Verification
  • Civil Works
  • Electomechanical works

of every public or private investor, under the Owner’s or Contractor assignment.

Swiss Approval  has the ability to monitor projects, such as large -scale construction projects, road construction, bridges, railways and other transport infrastructures, energy projects, electromechanical projects, etc., in terms of constructional quality, being a recognized Body for Quality Control and Assessment.

Our involvement as a qualified independent Third Party Inspection Body, guarantees the smooth, safe and high-quality completion of the project at hand.

The scope of «Independent TPI» service, is:

  • To check the proper implementation of design (architectural, electromechanical, statical, etc.),
  • To inspect the compliance with the technical requirements and specifications in each phase of the project during construction.
  • To ensure that work procedures are in compliance with the existing European and National Technical Legislation and to record every stage of the project.
  • Record the actual constructed part of the project in accordance with the approved design, the contract and the project schedule.

Inspection Services:

  1. DEVELOPMENT OF THE INSPECTION & TEST PLAN (ITP), in accordance with the contractual requirements of the project such as Owner Specifications, National & International Standards, etc..
  2. REVIEW & APPROVAL of the Project Quality Plan.
  3. VERIFICATION & VALIDATION of the project calculations and documents
  4. AUDIT SURVEY for Review and Approval of contractor’s project ORGANIZATION CHART, Organizational Structure Assessment, towards effectiveness and efficiency.
  5. REVIEW of site Health and Safety Plan.
  6. INSPECTION AND QUALITY CONTROL of Materials, Equipment and Structures (e.g. Prefabricated elements, Electromechanical equipment) to be incorporated into the construction site:
    • Review of Material Submittals in compliance with design requirements and contract agreement.
    • Review of Certificates (compliance with the existing National and European Legislation, CE markings etc.)
    • Quality control on receiving materials for identification/dimension (Detailed measurements) and acceptance.
    • Documentation REVIEW of all the above.
  7. AUDIT & INSPECTION ON SUBCONTRACTOR’s FACILITIES. Quality Audits and Inspections at the premises of suppliers and subcontractors (concrete factories, laboratories, manufacturers, etc.).
  8. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF SUBCONTRACTOR’s Method Statements, regarding Quality requirements.
  9. WITNESS IN LABORATORY TESTING Facilities, evaluation of the results of Laboratory Tests/ comparison with acceptance criteria based on regulations and specifications.
  10. CALIBRATION Certificates and Documents Review.
  11. ON-SITE / FIELD INSPECTION, During CONSTRUCTION WORKS according to the specific ITP (Inspection & Test Plan) of the project. Indicative:
    • Visual inspection of the execution of all the construction phases
    • Monitoring the accurate implementation of the design in accordance with the technical procedures and methodologies during the works.
    • Monitoring that sampling of materials is in accordance with the Project Testing Plan.
    • Review and Interpretation of testing results.
    • Witness on «Hold Point» inspections activities.
    • Thermography Inspection activities.
    • Testing of electrical panels with appropriate equipment.
    • Testing of trend of Bolts, on metal structures.
    • Inspection and Certification of paints
    • Vibration control – vibration monitoring for Electromechanical equipment.
    • Inspection and Certification of Welding metal structures
  12. WITNESS during REPAIRS of defects and deviations from the specifications.
  13. OPERATIONAL CONTROLS AND COMMISSIONING. Document Review and Monitoring of Final & Operational tests. Monitoring and supervising the implementation of the Commissioning plan of the project.
  14. COMPLIANCE with specifications documentation activities.
  15. FINAL REPORTS. Issuance of Certificate of Acceptance assuring the compliance with the specifications.